Our aims agree with those set out in the National Curriculum:
- Read easily, fluently and with good understanding
- Develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
- Acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
- Appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
To promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. Children should read easily, fluently and with good understanding and develop a habit of reading. We want children to acquire rich vocabulary and value our literary heritage.
- Clear Text Mapping for both Book Study and DEAR Bell books to allow progression across the school
- Use of VIPERS to ensure all content domain areas are explored and explicitly taught.
- Reading Plus – to aid and build up children’s fluency
- Stimulating, rich Reading scheme – Collins Big Cat
- Rich Reading Realm / Non-Fiction library
- Progression in reading lessons – staff know why certain texts are used and the value of the reading skill gained from lessons.
- Reading Rewards (vending machine)
Essential, basic and fundamental skills achieved to allow children to achieve ARE before moving on to next year group.
All children to be fluent readers and to have access to a bank of rich vocabulary.
Exposure to a range of texts (both in English lessons and the wider curriculum, authors and reading styles to allow children to read widely.
Pupils enjoy reading. – pupil voice
Our Reading lessons are progressive and we use a range of texts / extracts / videos for these. Children are taught the Content Domain of the National Curriculum using an acronym of VIPERS. Skills are taught discretely and then applied, both in Reading lessons as well as using reading skills in other subjects across the curriculum. Reading lessons encourage deeper understanding of the text alongside VIPERS through use of discussion, debate and questioning.
We use the Collins Big Cat reading scheme at New Invention Junior School. It offers children the chance to read a range of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays across all bands.
Children are also provided with a 'free reading' book that is appropriate to their ability and one which can be enjoyed. Rich and challenging without being too difficult to read and understand.
Children are also allowed to visit our Non-Fiction library and borrow any books from there too.
We have a special time of the day at 3:05pm called the DEAR Bell (Drop Everything And Read) where teachers share stories with their class. This is a time where children can relax and just appreciate and love hearing a story. A rich, relevant book that may be linked to the topics being studied at school at that time.
All children have a reading record to record any reading that they do at school and at home. We actively encourage parents to fill this in and hear their children read at home. Ask children questions and talk to them about their reading to check if they have understood what they have read. Please discuss any new words or phrases that children may not have come across before.